Hydroseeding (or hydraulic seeding, hydro-mulching, hydra-seeding) is a planting process which utilizes a slurry of seed, tackifier/polymer, wood fiber and/or paper fiber mulch, and organics that is agitated to create a blended slurry that is then applied to the desired location.

Water |

Seed |

Tackifier/Polymer |

Hydromulch |

Organics |
The mulch in the hydroseed mixture helps maintain moisture levels for the seed and seedlings. The slurry often has other ingredients including green dye and other additives. The slurry is created by an agitation process via jet or mechanical agitiation and is transported in tank, either truck or trailer mounted, and sprayed over prepared ground in a uniform layer by hose or fireman mount. Aircraft application, such as helicopters and airplanes, may also be used on larger areas such as burned wilderness after a fire! Such application may contain only a soil stabilizer to control erosion and avoid introducing any potential non-native plant species.
Hydroseeding is an alternative to the traditional process of dry broadcasting or sowing seed. In many cases this process promotes quicker germination and assists by inhibiting soil erosion.
Hydroseeding is used to seed grass on commercial sites (highways/motorways etc.), golf courses, lawns, and large revegetative areas inaccessible or unsuitable for conventional methods. Starting a lawn by hydroseeding is considerably cheaper than laying sod/turf and quicker than using conventional dry broadcasting of seed. Along with turf/lawn applications, hydroseeding is also used to spread mixtures of wildflower and tree/shrub seeds for erosion control. Another process called sprigging (or hydro-sprigging) contains a slurry of stolons or rhizomes instead of seed.